A Holiday Safety Lesson and My New Year’s Resolution

Category: Health & Safety
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It’s that time of year again when resolutions are made and broken, however this year I have decided
to make a safety resolution that I will keep, after my own holiday incident.

During the break, I was putting together a trampoline for my kids as a Christmas present. I am
definitely not a skilled handyman, it was Christmas Eve, and darkness was beginning to set, six hours
after starting (the box recommended two hours to complete)! The frustration level was building at a
steady rate, and my eagerness to complete the task at hand was increasing. I was nearing the end of
the job and began tightening the second last bolt on one of the legs when disaster struck.

Tightening too fast and hard, the bolt snapped and shot off, striking me just below my eye. My
Christmas present was a black eye and a serious lesson, a couple of millimeters higher and I could
have received a serious injury.

For years at work when I was a safety advisor, I would instruct others to take proper precautions,
assess risks, and wear appropriate PPE, and yet, that day, I did not follow my advice at home.

Whilst it is embarrassing to share this slip, hopefully, it may get others thinking about risks outside of
work. This year, my resolution is to assess and mitigate risks at home, as I do those at work. What is
your New Year’s safety resolution?

Matt (& Team Donesafe).
